This video shows us how to build a gravity wall with Allen Blocks. In order to do this, place blocks on top of the base course. You want to make sure that the bottom notch is tight against the front lip of the blocks underneath. Sliding them into place removes any present debris. Running bond is ideal; however, if that is not possible, offset them by a quarter of a block. After making sure the blocks are straight, fill the hollow blocks (and 12 inches behind them) with wall rock. Then smooth...
Woodland areas provide a personal forest where you can ramble about and relax. This video tutorial teaches you how to chop down a tree in your woodland area and what to do with trunk afterwards. First, you'll need to have the tools and proper safety equipment. Next, thin the trees to allow more light and encourage growth. Then use your chainsaw to cut a gap on the side of the tree that you want the trunk to fall. Finally, sned the tree by cutting off branches and reducing it to manageable 2...
The procedure was adopted to build a waterfall in Oregon Coast Garden Center, Wald-port.1. A level pad was cut to arrange the first row of blocks2. 3 rows of retaining wall block was set in the desired shape.3. The inside of the structure is covered with landscape fabric followed by pond liner.4. Fill with water and adjust the liner as it fills.5. Trim of excess liner and landscape fabric.6. The liner has to be protected from puncture. Use landscape fabric to cover the inside of the retaining...
This video describes the easy process of building a garden retaining wall. First you will need to map out your area for your wall with strings and dig your trench for your stones. You will be filling the trench with gravel to hold your stones in place. Make sure to pack to gravel securely into the ground. You should have a leveling tool to ensure your base is very level. After you make sure that first level is secure and in place you will stack your next level of stone. Once the homeowner has...
To create a retaining wall all you need to do is follow these simple steps. To begin you will need to get many interlocking wall blocks and either sand or concrete. The first step is to plot and measure the retaining wall's size and shape. Use your measurements to figure out the amount of retaining wall blocks that you will need. The second step is to mark off the spots in your yard that you would like the retaining wall to be. Then dig your trenches in these spots to level out the land and...
Ron Hazelton explains how to protect your foundation or basement wall from being affected by water that is discharged from your downspout. He explains how downspout extenders can be used to carry the water away from the foundation. Ron will show you three variations of downspouts that you can use. You'll learn how to install each kind of downspout so you can decide which is right for you. If you follow the advice given in this video, you're sure to further protect a very important part of your...
If you're in the market for a new lawn mower, there are plenty of options, and it might be hard making a decision on which one is right for you. This video breaks down what you need to consider before buying a lawn mower and how to find one that best fits your needs.
This video from Danny Lipford explains how to make a cover for raked leaves so that the wind won't blow them away. Get a tarp and cut it to the right size. Get two wooden dowel rods and put them along two ends of the tarp. Turn the tarp edge over the dowel rods and tape them down with duct tape. The cover can be used to cover leaves that are in a wheelbarrow or on the ground. You can also lay the tarp on the ground, rake the leaves into the tarp, drag them where you want them and pick up...
Dawn your flannel and grow out your beard, it's time to do some log cutting. Put good use to unwanted trees or extra lumber by making proper logs. It may seem self explanatory but the correct form will create uniform, crack free logs and keep you with all your fingers.
Deer can wreck havoc on your plants and yard. No need to go to war with the deer, when with a few tricks of the trade, deer can be discouraged from feeding on your yard. The neighbor's yard, on the other hand, might seem that much more appealing.
Another good video by Lowe's on How to water your Lawn and install a drip irrigation system. Lowe's home improvement expert Mike Kraft shows you how you can make use of Lowe's products to water your lawns with their drip irrigation system. This video shows you which tools you need to fit and use Lowe's drip irrigation system in your Lawn. It's an extremely useful video for people who have lawns on their backyard and want to make the watering process simple and easy.
In this installment of home improvement do-it-yourself videos, brought to you by Lowe's, host Mike Kraft, one of Lowe's home improvement experts, demonstrates a landscaping technique that shows you how to create a retaining wall with interlocking wall blocks, that features a raised planter bed. Mike gives you a list of all the tools and materials you will need to create the retaining wall, and offers some tips on creating curved lines when laying out the wall.
The straight edge that is the hallmark of the formal hedge depends most on what you do before you cut. Accurate measurements and well-placed stakes are key. You'll learn these tips an more in this video.
The Smart Pond system can be used to create a water feature in a backyard. Ponds can be made above the ground or in the ground using a preformed pond. Various types of ponds are shown, which would be appropriate for various locations. The location of a pond is discussed; it shouldn't be under trees to avoid debris and too much shade. Draw out the plan for your pond and dig one or two feet deeper than the depth of the pond. Determine the size of the liner, place it in the hole and anchor it with...
This video describes how to plant a tree which is useful for home owners looking to improve their lawn or backyard and for those interested in landscape. In this video one will learn how to plant trees properly, insure a healthy start and maintain the trees. For example when considering a tree to plant one must consider location and overall weather conditions in order to match a tree that can survive in the intended location. Overall this video is detailed and useful for anyone who would like...
Lowe's home improvement expert Mike Craft gives the low down on how to maintain your swimming pool. Pool maintenance is essential for keeping your pool like new and in tip-top condition. You will need some basic materials such as water test strips, chlorine tablets, algae-cide, water shock, a skimmer brush, pool net and vacuum. This video will show you how to balance your water, shock the water, clean out the filters and sweep and vacuum out your pool.
David Epstein shows a simple and yet creative way to add contrast to any garden with bare or no interest areas. To add a little extra winter color, David introduces three varieties of the "Small leaf Rhododendron" including; "Midnight Ruby", "Westons Mayflower" and "Dora Ainateis". Although these smaller leafed varieties require a little more sunlight, they do however produce flowers in Spring and hold their leaves all winter long. So, for a continuation of color throughout winter, be sure to...
Host Brenda Lo, from Lowe's Creative Ideas demonstrates, in this informational video, how to create an outdoor water fountain. Brenda details the entire process, listing the tools and supplies you will need to complete this great do-it-yourself project in just one afternoon with easily obtainable materials. This video is great for the DIY beginner or experienced professional looking for a new project idea for your outdoor garden. do-it-yourself, and save time and money with these great tips.
Ron Hazelton shows how to restore a weathered and worn deck. Twisted boards can be straightened using a notched 2x4 as a lever, then secured with 5 inch screws. Remove popped nails, and replace with longer thicker nails. Use a punch to countersink slightly high nails. Clean the deck with wood soap and a long handle brush, using a pressure washer to rinse. Apply sealer to the dried wood and let it cure, then enjoy your reinvigorated deck.
If your decking boards need to be replaced it is really not that difficult. Start by removing the facia or edge boards that hold the decking boards in place using a crowbar. Remove the decking boards from the joists. Check the joists for dry rot while you have the decking boards off by poking them with a screwdriver. If the wood is soft and the screwdriver sinks right into the joist then you may need to replace that joint because it is dry rotted. When replacing the decking boards it is best...
Team Member, Nacelle takes us through the process, showing us how to put a beautiful water feature for your garden which could be the reason for the envy of your friends. •To create a water feature, first you need to have all the things which are required to do the same. Like, you need water, a kit, outside power source. But, no plumbing is required.•The kit which mainly consists of cubing with a hose, a base consisting of three pieces which is easy to slide together and has a screwing at the...
Team Member Trevor at shows the average Joe how to render an effective paving job. On this particular day, Trevor guides viewers through simple instructions for laying a nice brick walk. He recommends starting with a foundation of coarse-grade sand, as the coarser grades pack better.
The experts at Bunning's have come up with a few tips for the consumer to consider when they are next in the market for paving equipment. Find out if the job needs a solid block paver or a thinner grade paver. Preserving the tools once they leave the store is in your hands. Last, but not least, watch the weight!
In this video you'll learn everything you need to have and how to use and understand your gutter guard. Tracy shows you all the different type of gutter guards, plastic, powder coated metal, galvanized mesh, the ridged mesh, and your hechhog piping. It takes you from everything you need to check for, and how to properly install your mesh. As well as being cautious of safety to achieve the best result. This is a great video to watch when looking to protect your homes gutter system.
To cement the stones around your pond, start by mixing up half of an 80 pound bag of Quick Crete. Pour the 40 pounds of concrete into a metal container, add water and mix it together. Add just enough water so that it is not too runny. Put down a base of cement around the pond where you will lay the stones. Lay the stones in the cement, then put some cement in between the stones, and smooth it out.
Installing a garden edge is an easy and effective way to ensure that your garden stays orderly and that your lawn doesn't creep over. A garden edge can also be a big help in keeping weeds from getting into your garden and ruining your beautiful plants. You will need to measure around the perimeter you want to enclose and buy a corresponding amount of edging. After that, it's as easy as digging around the area with a spade and putting the edging into the ground. Then you just fill in dirt around...
Do you have broken concrete along the front of your house? No need to resort to repouring the concrete. In this video hosted by DIY home guru, learn how to repair, patch or restore broken, chipped or damaged concrete steps.
Worried about your dog figuring out how to jump over your fence? In this video tutorial from Ron Hazleton, learn about the "invisible" dog fence some are installing which keep a pooch away with electrical signals. It's underground, out of sight, and actually works! Within this video, learn how to trench, cross pavement, wire the equipment, and test this invisible electrical doggie fence.
A mailbox can be the first thing people see on your property, so it's important to get a nice one and install it correctly. But installing a mailbox post and mailbox can be a surprisingly tricky project, involving making holes in the ground and trying to get the post to stand at just the right height. In this video, Mark Donovan of shows us how to install a mailbox the right way.
Solar lights are a great way to light up your garden. They are both inexpensive and eco-friendly, relying on solar power instead of electricity. In this short video, Mark Donovan of shows you how to set up solar lights.
Your driveway can make a big difference in the appearance of your house. As nice as it would be to have a brick, slate or cobblestone driveway, those are expensive options that not everybody can afford. In this episode of Growing Wisdom, you'll learn how to use a comparatively inexpensive process called street printing to really class up your driveway by creating the illusion of brick and other textures.
Are you tired of wasting grass seeds due to uneven distribution, or seeds that you unintentionally scatter onto your driveway? Here's how to create a cheap and effective way to spread your grass seeds.
If grass is creeping into your flowerbeds or you just want a more finished look to your landscaping, try installing brick edging. This landscaping video and text tutorial from the DIY Network will show you the necessary steps to installing brick edging to your flower beds.
You don't have to live with an oil-stained driveway. Get rid of the mess with these stain-busting techniques. This video will show you how to get grease off a concrete driveway.
The art of floral arrangement is a fun and valuable skill. Dana Plazyk of Flowers by Design lends useful tips and tricks on making simple flower arrangements.
Gardeners' World is brought to you by the BBC. Search Gardeners' World on WonderHowTo for more videos that give practical gardening advice from experts. In this video, learn how to create a raised alpine bed.
Gardeners' World is brought to you by the BBC. Search Gardeners' World on WonderHowTo for more videos that give practical gardening advice from experts. In this video, learn how to how effectively.
Watch Monty Don planting up a sandbox for displaying alpine plants, in our step-by-step video project - with tips for keeping plants cool, and retaining moisture.
The quickest way to get a gorgeous lawn is to lay sod, uniform patches of grass-covered soil held together by matted roots. It will go more smoothly if you know a few landscaping tricks. Learn how to lay sod for a perfect lawn with this how to video.
Make everyone in your neighborhood green with envy over your lush lawn with these landscaping secrets. Learn how to get your lawn green with this Howcast landscaping guide.
Watch Monty Don, as he plants and trains a nectarine tree up against a fence, using wires and tensioners. With tips on mixing compost and protecting trees from frost damage. Nectarines aren't too difficult to grow. All you need is sunshine, good drainage & plenty of moisture. You want to train a nectarine tree against a fence in the spring time. The how to video lends expert tips when dealing with nectarine trees.
A new mailbox can change the look of your whole home. This how-to video offers tips for making sure your new mailbox is placed in a safe and secure location, and is installed so it will stay sturdy. Watch this video home improvement tutorial and learn how to install a mailbox.
If you're putting out a new brick driveway or patio, watch this how-to video. There are a few pattern options available: stretcher, herringbone, basketweave, and stretcher with a header. Watch this video home improvement tutorial and learn how to pick a pavement pattern for a walkway, driveway, or patio.
This video tutorial shows how fifteen dollars and a half an hour of assembly can produce a working bare-bones laminar flow nozzle that attaches to a garden hose for a makeshift fountain.
When you're doing pruning work, stubs should never be left. Always cut back to side chute or branch. Stubs will die back, creating an entry area for disease and insects. In this two-part tree pruning tutorial, you'll receive advice on using proper pruning techniques so as to ensure healthy, balanced growth over time.
You can choose, when you're pruning, which direction you want the growth to go. By looking at the branches, and looking to see which way the growth is going, if you prune out, the growth will continue in the same direction. With this video tutorial, you'll learn how to force growth in a desired direction. For more, or to get started shaping your own shrubs with directional pruning, watch this landscaping how-to.
Red twig dogwoods are often used in a landscape because of the outstanding color of their stems but are commonly grossly mishandled and pruned incorrectly. Incorrect pruning, in turn, can cause the stems of the dogwoods to lose their vibrant red color. To learn more about how to caring about red twig dogwood shrubs, watch this video tutorial.
One of the most simple and cost effective ways to liven up your landscaping is through subtle illumination. Low voltage lighting is simple to install and offers many benefits including ambiance, safety and security. They can be used to illuminate a walkway or to lighten up your home's street address at night. Today's manufacturers are making low-voltage lighting products geared for the do-it-yourselfer, which makes purchasing and installation easier. These low-voltage kits come with a...