Forget about buying a garden fountain. You can make a DIY one for your garden. You can even make a small on for a tabletop! You just need to get the right pump for the job. The base of you fountain just needs to be big enough to completely submerge the pump under water. Watch to learn the rest, which involves flower pots and cobble stones.
If you want to add a little something to your yard for a good price, why not a stone walkway? This is perfect for areas that are used to experiencing rain and don't have a proper walkway from one area to another. This is perfect for the side of a home that may be covered in grass and has no sidewalk at all.
Swimming pools are a lot of fun, but occasionally you may have some problems with your water. If you're starting to see algae grow, you're going to need to get rid of it. Thankfully, Mike Kraft, Lowe's home improvement expert, has some tips for maintaining your pool and algae removal. Learn the differences between green, black and mustard pool algae and the different treatments for each.
Is your swimming pool a little cloudy? It may be cause by a number of things, and Lowe's has the answers to fixing this problem. Mike Kraft, Lowe's home improvement expert, shares his tips for clearing that cloudy swimming pool water in no time. Learn how to backwash pool filters, check the pH balance and see if you should add more chlorine.
If you own a home with beat down and rusty gutters, it may be time to replace them with new ones. Gutters are important during the winter time by helping collect any water that can seep or leak into your home, causing water damage. They're not too difficult to replace and can help out the overall look of a home significantly.
If you enjoy spending time outside, but can't stand being in the sun for too long, you have a bit of a problem. Buying patio furniture or an umbrella is a good idea, but it can be a pain lugging it around, especially if it's not weatherproof. Another great option is creating a shade cloth.
In this video, we learn how to build a house out of trash for free. First, find pallets from grocery stores and place nine of them together in 3x3 rows. Now, you will lay down a tarp that you can find over the plywood and start to add scrap pieces of plywood that you find around for the walls on the side. After the walls are up, cut down tree trunks that are long and then nail them together and place a tarp over the top. After this, tie the tarp down and tie it to the trees and your free house...
In this tutorial, we learn how to properly build a firepit. First, prep your base by filling it with dirt and small rocks. After this, set your ring down onto the dirt and make sure it's level. You can also raise it up if you want a foot rest or beverage holder. Next, apply your stone around the ring and then mortar it. Make sure all the pieces of stone fit nice and tight together. After you've done this, lock in all the joints on the stone patio by using sand and brushing it into the middle....
In this tutorial, we learn how to stain a concrete floor. To start, you will need to prepare your floor by cleaning it vigorously. Remove all dirt from the floor, then use detergent and water to wash, when finished dry with a shop vac. You will have to use a hand brush to scrub alongside the walls. After this, wash your floor with a mixture of water and baking soda, then use the shop vac to dry. Next, rinse the floor off with plain water and dry with shop vac once more. To finish, apply faux...
Mike Kraft tells us how to clean a concrete driveway in this video. The driveway can collect a lot of different stains, which can lead to deterioration. Pressure washing is the best way to clean a brick or concrete driveway. You will first need to place detergent onto the driveway, then use the pressure washer to clean off the ground. You will also need grease remover if you have grease stains that are on your driveway. If you have a low pressure washer, hold the stream closer to the ground, so...
In this tutorial, we learn how to remove root suckers from trees with Lee Reich. The root suckers will take the energy from the tree, outgrow the tree, and destroy the tree. The easiest way to get rid of these is to just tug them and remove them from the tree, which will result in no regrowth. For suckers that have been developing for a long time, it's going to be harder to remove. To avoid these, make sure you remove them two to three times a year. You can also cut off root suckers at their...
In this video, we learn how to paint clay pots for gardening with Michelle Gervais. All you need is: acrylic paints, brushes, plastic paint, cup of water, paper towels, and clay pots. First, put a base coat on your pot before you place your design onto it. This is easiest done with a foam brush, and without using any water. This will dry quickly, but take a lot of paint to fully cover the entire pot. When the paint is dry, you can now start to paint on your design! You can put stripes, flowers,...
In order to build a garden tuteur, you will need the following: found sticks, screws, twine, a drill, and a rubber band.
First, you will need to find pieces of wood that are approximately equal in width. Rubberband the ends of the sticks at one end. Stand the sticks up. Decide on your spacing. Adjust the wood to stand at the width you prefer. When the stand is the way you want it, pre-drill holes in the wood for a cross braces. Screw a cross piece into the tuteur in order to brace it. ...
In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to divide ornamental grasses. Daryl Beyers in this video says that spring is the right time for this activity and you'll need a sharp knife or, even a chain saw for this. When a bunch of grass starts to become sparse in the middle, it's about time to divide. The first step is to dig the entire grass out of the ground. It will take some amount of effort to do this. After this is done, take a sharp knife or a chain saw and divide the bunch...
If you've recently had someone or finished installing a paver pation in your front or backyard, the job may not be over. To make sure you get the job done right, you're going to have to add something that will make sure the paver will stand for a long time and will look good as well.
Michelle Gervais shows us how to make easy garden lanterns in this tutorial. First, grab an empty can and fill it with sand up to the top, then fill it with water. Put the can in the freezer and let it sit overnight. Next, grab a leaf template and place it on a piece of white paper, then put parchment paper over the leaf and trace the leaf. Now, grab the can and put it on a cushion and wrap your stencil on the can and secure with tape. Grab a sharp nail and hammer, and hammer the nail around...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a simple compost bin. This task is very easy, simple and fast to do. Users will need some galvanized wire that is about 5 ft high and 4 ft long. Begin by fastening the wire together in a cylinder shape. Then place a pile of leaved into the wire bin and allow them to compost. Make sure to only place in organic matter into the compost bin. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in gardening and helping the environment, and would...
If you've recently installed your own fencing in your yard, some may think the next best thing to do is seal it. That may not be such a smart idea. Allowing a fence to be exposed to the air and environment can actually do wonders for a fence. As you'll learn in this tutorial, you'll find out more on why letting your fence set is such a good idea and what kind of sealants you can use on it. Good luck and enjoy!
Installing a sprinkler system in your yard is a great way to spread water to all your plants and yard. All you need to do is turn a switch or knob and instant water. So if you're planning on installing a sprinkler system in your yard, it's important to know what each item can do.
Something that can ruin your day, and maybe some of your land, is a busted sprinkler head. Usually, calling someone in to replace it can cost you a pretty penny, but doing it yourself is easy to do and only takes a small amount of time. It's something that anybody can do and will result in a fully operational sprinkler.
You may think that you only need to seed your lawn once, but you're mistaken. Even when your grass is lush and green, you can still apply seeds all over your yard to promote healthy growth and new grass to grow. It's a task that many people use on their yard and the results are always positive.
There are some people out there who care so much about their yard, they'll do whatever it takes to take care of it. If you're interested in keeping your lawn nice and healthy, this next tutorial covers a method that has worked for many. It's called topdressing. It's something that is easy to do and can result in grass that is great to look at and will stay healthy for a long time.
If you're looking for a great way to get the proper nutrients to your yard, you're about to find out. Aerating a yard is an easy task that involves you placing holes in your yard on purpose. This may make your yard look a bit ugly, but it helps with getting the proper nutrients and oxygen into the ground.
You may or may not have known, but mowing your lawn can actually help keep it healthy and promotes root growth. It also makes your yard look great and helps it stand out from any other bad looking yards on your block.
Just like all living organisms, lawns need the proper amount of food and water in order to survive. Not giving them enough can lead to a dead looking yard that is unpleasant to look at.
When owning a lawn, you want to make sure that it's as healthy as it can be. You don't want to have the ugliest yard on the block do you. There are many methods to ensure that you're yard will stand out. One way of doing this is by aeration. This involves making holes in the lawn that will allow for growth and other benefits as well.
Is your lawn looking a little grim lately? Well, no need to reach for toxic chemicals, check out this clip instead! In this tutorial, gardening specialist, Carl Grimm, shows you how to fix your lawn naturally and avoid all that yucky stuff that harms kids and pets. Follow along and go green (literally!) with your front yard for summer!
Using a heat pump in your home, is a great way to be energy efficient and keep your home nice and comfortable. What it does it takes heat from your home during the summer and transfers it outside, and then during the winter months, takes heat from the outdoor air and puts in your home.
Having a great storm water drainer attached to your home is not only important for preventing any damage to your home, but can be used to save on utility costs. Without a drainer, water can seep under your home and potentially damage your foundation. But it's an easy problem to fix and will make you glad you did.
In order to make a make worm compost, you will need the following: plastic containers, shredded newspaper, water, food scraps, and worms.
Modify the containers in order to allow air to get through, by making holes in the lid. Shred some newspaper. Moisten the paper with water. Line your beds with newspaper. Choose your worms carefully. Next, add kitchen scraps. Fruits and vegetables work best. Harvest your compost. This compost can be used in various ways. You can mix it with your...
Installing a water feature in your yard is a great way to boost the value of your home. It's also a great way to create a nice and relaxing environment for you and others to enjoy. So in this tutorial, if you're looking for half of the work needed to create a large water feature, you'll be finding out how to make a small one. So check it out, good luck, and enjoy!
A common mistake when installing a gate in a yard, is that they're usually not sturdy. And when talking about sturdy it involved the the hinges used for the gate. This is an easy task that anybody can do and there is really no excuse for not installing a sturdy gate. So in this tutorial, you'll find out what you need to do in order to have a sturdy gate in your yard. Enjoy!
There's nothing like spending time outdoors with loved ones. Whether it's a hot summer evening or a coo, brisk spring morning, the outdoors can be a great place. You can enhance your experience with the outdoors, by building yourself something that everybody is sure to love: a fireplace. In this helpful tutorial, you'll be finding out how to build an outdoor fireplace in your yard for those cold winter nights. So good luck and enjoy!
You may have all the tools and people needed for putting up a fence, but something that should not be skipped is coding. Checking the coding and property lines to your place is important for making sure you don't cross into a place that you aren't supposed to be. This can result in bad blood forming and the removal of your hard work. So check out what you'll need to do in order to prevent that, in this tutorial. Enjoy!
Whether you're using wood or metal posts, it's important to know how to properly keep fence posts in the proper place. I this next landscaping tutorial, you'll be finding out the importance of using concrete on your fenceposts and mailbox posts. Just a small bag of concrete, can do so much for an area of your yard. Good luck and enjoy!
Having an irrigation system installed in your back or front yard, can be an easy way to not only water your plants, but add investment to your home. Asking a professional can put you back thousands of dollars, so doing it yourself it a much better option. It will only take a few days to complete, the right tools, and some sweat and labor. So check out the tutorial above to find out what else it will take to have a great irrigation system in your yard. Enjoy!
Building a water feature in your yard can not only be relaxing for you and others, but possibly add value to your home as well. But this is no easy task. It can take days to complete, but can be done with the right tools and equipment. So in this next tutorial, you'll be finding out what you'll need in order to create your own water feature in your yard today. Good luck and enjoy!
When building a fence around your home, it's important to know how to build it and which way to face it. In this tutorial, you'll find out some helpful tips for properly facing your fence the right-way. Building it the wrong way can make it look bad and give off an ugly look to your yard. So good luck and enjoy!
When customers come to your place of business, you want them to feel welcome and comfortable. In this video tutorial, Dave of Growing Wisdom discusses design principles to keep in mind when you're redoing the entryway to your business. For more and better information, and to get started redoing the entrance to your own business establishment, watch this landscaper's guide.
Gophers are one of the most common and annoying pests that plague gardeners across the country. This video features a gardening expert explaining how to use cinch traps to kill the gophers in your yard and allow your garden to flourish once again. Do what Bill Murray could not do in Caddyshack after watching this video.
In this video, learn how to create a brand new way to enjoy your pond. Using plexiglass, create a large, sealed tube that you will then place into your lake or pond. The tube will naturally fill with water and the fish will pop up and visit you inside their new glass window. This way, you will be able to enjoy your fishy friends all the time without falling into the pond water!
There's nothing like spending time outside with friends and family members during chill winter nights. What makes those nights so great is usually a nice, warm fire. You can easily build one by gathering some stones together to make a pile or you can build one from scratch using material you can find at home improvement stores. These can last for many years and make it much more safer to use, especially when you have little ones hanging around the area. So check out this tutorial on how to...
If you're trying to find something to add to you backyard, why not try building a backyard pond? Ponds are great additions to add to your backyard and can keep a variety of different fish and plants. This tutorial will show you how to build a backyard pond from some items that are easy to get and use. Good luck and enjoy!
If you own a home with a front and backyard, there are so many different possibilities when it comes to changing things around and adding features that are sure to boost the curb appeal of your home. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to lay paver on the ground connecting from your backyard to your front from the side of your home. It's beautiful to look at and is handy to have, so check it out and good luck!
There's nothing like spending a nice cool spring evening outside in front of a fire. Now, you can buy your own firepit or metal fire bowl so you and other can enjoy it outside easily, but those don't last very long. What does last for a long period of time is a firepit that you build from hand. This tutorial shows you how to build a mortar fire pit using essential tools and equipment. Enjoy!
There are many different ways in which you can change the look of your outside space. One of the best options is creating a patio area that you and others are sure to use. Cement is a common theme, but if you want something more Earthy, then try creating a flagstone patio. Good luck and enjoy!
Having a beautiful waterfall in your outside area, is a great way to add a relaxing feature to your landscape. But a common problem with them is that during the long hot summer months, water tends to evaporate and this causes the water in waterfalls and ponds to dissapear. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to install an automatic fill valve in your watering system today. So check it out and good luck!
Using a clothesline instead of a dryer is a superb way to save money on your energy bills! In this video presented by Bunnings, learn how to install a clothesline and get your clothes dry and smelling fresh! Do the economically smart thing and begin using a clotheline instead of your dryer.
Thinking about building a small retaining wall in your backyard? Retaining walls are a great way to prevent the advance of plants, dirt, or water in your backyard. In this video, learn the basics of building a retaining wall.
Mailboxes don't have to look all lonesome, with only the curb to cheer them up. If you have one of those street boxes on a post instead of a house box, the best thing to do to make a happy mailbox is to give it some company. To improve your home's curbside appeal, take your landscaping efforts to the curb and enhance the area around the mailbox. It's a great way to accentuate your landscape.
Looking to do some work on your front or backyard? Installing a retaining wall is the easiest way to get a different look and make your landscaping look pro! In this video, learn everything you need to know about how to install a retaining wall.
Need to match your driveway to your new exterior home paint job? In this video, learn step-by-step how to stain and seal a concrete driveway. Listen up because this method can be used for any exterior concrete surface and can come in handy in the future!
A drip irrigation line is placed around the base of a tree in a ring. A section of the ring is cut open and made into a T shape with the addition of another piece of drip emmiter wire going from the ring outwards. The next end of the additional wire is bound to the ground with a pin. An additional wire is placed at the irrigation ring and the opposing end bent,covered and also pinned outward from the ring. Holes are pierced into the plastic bedding of gravels on the ground to allow water to...
This video is an explanation of how to fix a leak in a backyard water feature with a pond and waterfall. If the waterfall is losing water and has to be refilled frequently, you can tell there is a leak somewhere. One place where a leak can happen is a place where the liner needs to be propped up with a rock so it won't flatten out and allow water to leak out. Another problem can occur when a rock is arranged so that water splashes over it. That problem can be fixed by rearranging the rocks...
Stone walks can look a bit intimidating. But by planting small plants you can make a stone walk both welcoming and beautiful. You want to plant something that is hardy and still attractive. You shouldn't plant on a heavily traveled area, but this technique is perfect for a lightly traveled path. When planting in between stones, dig a small hole for the plant and place it gently between the stones. As with all plantings, you will want to immediately water after you put the plant into the...
Chad from California Waterscapes takes you through the steps of installing a backyard pond. He begins by marking the location for the pond and stream using spray paint on the ground and by laying out the necessary equipment: the skimmer box and the waterfall unit. After digging out the pond Chad uses a laser level to determine the water level and place the skimmer box at this level. After all debris has been removed from the pond the underlayment and liner is placed in the pond followed by...
Install a pond skimmerThe most critical steps to installing a skimmer are the water level and attaching the liner to the face plate with a water tight seal. The pond should be rocked in. The skimmer needs to be level from front to back and side to side. That's critical. Optimum water level is approximately 3/4 inch down from the top of the steel face. Use the level (tool) to determine the water level on the face plate. It's important to have the weir door work effectively. Prepare the area for...
In this how-to video, you will learn how to prune a tree yourself. You start by using the four D's. The four d's include removing things that are dead, damaged, deformed, and dysfunctional. If the branch is brown and crispy, you can remove it. Remove any stubs as this will affect the tree over time. Get close to the branch collar when cutting. Do not cut it near the base if the branch is bigger than an inch in diameter, as this may damage the tree. Do this instead by cutting an under cut and...
This video shows you how to excavate a pond using hand tools and a jackhammer.First of all, you must organize your digging in shelves. A pond should have some parts deeper than others. You start by leveling the pond at the part where it will be more shallow (thus creating the first shelf). Then go to a deeper part and level that out. In this way you create shelves with different elevations.Your tools for excavating are the spade, the flat shovel, the pick, the wheelbarrow and the jackhammer....